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Guidap Payments

New from Guidap! Guidap launches Guidap Payments, an online payment system that integrates with Guidap software and the Guidap shopping experience. Guidap Payments is now the basic solution for taking online payments with Guidap.


What is Guidap Payments?


Guidap Payments is the online payment system that integrates best with Guidap.

Our technical teams have mastered the system, enabling us to offer a high-performance payment experience and optimize success.

Once you've created your Guidap Payments account, you can track every payment and transfer to the account from Guidap.

Guidap Payments also offers exclusive payment options, such as the ability to obtain multiple online payments for the same service, or to cash a customer on the spot using a QR Code.


Advantages of Guidap Payments?


Guidap Payments is a system that enables you to benefit from excellent payment success rates, at a controlled cost.

Stripe's price has recently risen to 1.5%+€0.25/transaction. Guidap Payments remains at 1.4%+0.20€ / transaction.

Detailed service charges


Is Guidap Pay compulsory?


Guidap Payments will become the payment solution that all our customers will eventually have to use. We invite you to switch to this solution soon 🙂


How do I sign up for Guidap Payments?


To take advantage of this solution for the season, find out how to sign up for Guidap Payments below!


How to sign up for Guidap Pay


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